Friday, September 7, 2012

September Vacation

I've learned that for me at Velda Rose,  September is the optimal vacation month.  Most families are busy getting kids acclimated to school, but our winter friends have not yet returned from their northern homes.  There's a lull in activities.'s time for me to VACATE for a couple of weeks.  Actually, I'm not going far.  I plan to stay at a friends' casita for a couple days of personal retreat time, and then Rich and I will spend the next week and half probably cleaning the garage. Oh well.  It's nice when it's done, but not the most fun way to spend a vacation!  But, then again, time to sleep a little longer in the mornings, and a change of routine can do wonders.  A little purging of old clutter can also be good for the soul.  So, after this Sunday, I'll see you at the end of September, and ready to jump full-throttle into our "high" season!  Activities around the church will soon be picking up steam...Pathway Wednesday nights will begin Sept. 26, Fall Rummage sale is right around the corner in October.  Hasta luego!