Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Heat

It's here.  We all know it well - and most of us bear it as best we can living in Central Arizona:  "Convection-Oven Season," otherwise known as summer in the Phoenix area.  As a northern Midwesterner, I grew up with the cycles of the seasons.  They ingrained my life with a rhythm that permeated many of my activities and moods. While winter in the northern climes is the "hunkering down" season, here in Arizona, it's the summer.  We stay inside, moving from air-conditioned building, to air-conditioned car, to air-conditioned home. We may save our outdoor activities for earliest morning or later at night.  Basically, however, most of us are blessed to have those options.  Our Middle Schoolers went on an "Urban Plunge" this week, visiting various mission outreach locations in downtown Phoenix. This morning, I just saw some of them come back to church for a quick break, maybe picking up or dropping off stuff.  The message I got was: IT WAS HOT!   As temps hover around 113-115 degrees, our Urban Plungers remind us that not all people living here - or in many other parts of the world - have the cooling options we have.  Let's let the summer heat remind us to give thanks to God for what we have, reach out when we can to those mission projects especially this high-demand time of year, and pray for doors of relief and guidance to open for those who are suffering.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Many of us spent the week in Vacation Bible School thinking about the passage  from Mark 10:27: "For human beings, it is impossible, but not for God; for God, all things are possible!"  Wow.  That's one of those statements that boggles your mind the more you think about it.  I wonder what I've been assuming is impossible lately?  One of the problems I have to admit here is that when I look for what might be possible with God...I limit my options to what I think I want or only what I can conceive of.  At VBS this week, we saw God do some things in our scripture stories that NO ONE could imagine or expect...and God did them when things were looking pretty bad.

During worship on Sunday, Dylan (who did a great job reinacting some Bible characters for us this week!) is going to retell some of those  favorite amazing stories.  Plus we'll join with the kids singing some of their "SKY-high" flying songs.   The Sky's the limit with God's love for us!  All things are possible!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

You FOUND our New Community space! Welcome!

There's nothing like finding and being found!  Jesus said so.  It was one of his favorite activities, I think. Sometimes it's been hard to find the New Community contemporary worship service at Velda Rose, but it's been around awhile, and we're claiming our space! 

We worship at the 9:20 a.m. hour on Sunday mornings  in the fellowship hall - called Moore Hall.  It's on the west side of the campus.  As you park your car or come through the parking lot off of 56th St. and head towards the patio, take a right at the Welcome Gazebo, and you'll see the doors down the walkway....or just ask someone.  We're a pretty friendly bunch.  

We're a "come as you are" community.  We all live hectic lives and are looking for a place to be accepted and loved just for who we are.  We know it's not often easy to come to church on Sunday morning, so we want you to feel comfortable. There will be some coffee and cookies waiting for you.

But, don't be mistaken.  Living the Christian life in this day and age is not about coffee, cookies and comfort.  We hope you will leave on Sundays feeling like you have some renewed connection to God, and challenge to finding and following a spiritual path.  We also hope you will find in us companions on your journey!  Welcome!