Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Come to Church?

Here's a little midsummer reminder:
First - let me tell you why NOT to come to church:
  • Because someone told you you should.
  • Because the church needs your money.
  • Because it's what you've always done.
  • Because the church wants to keep it's attendance numbers up.
  • Because you have nothing better to do.
  • Because God will be angry if you don't come.
Now, let me tell you some reasons WHY TO COME to church:
  • You know you can worship God anywhere...but there's just something about being with other people worshipping that feels good.
  • You'd like to see and get to know supportive, caring, friends.
  • God might speak to you through someone else.
  • You might gain a new insight about yourself, others, or the world.
  • You might feel God a little closer.
  • You might be guided to some new opportunity to serve others, or clarify your sense of purpose in life.
  • You like cookies and potlucks.
  • You like to sing meaningful songs with other people...not just alone in the shower or while you are driving in your car.
  • You like to be around and interact with people of all ages.
  • You might find someone to have a good conversation with.
  • You'd like to give God and others an opportunity to perhaps meet some need you didn't know you had.
  • You'd like to be present and available so God might use you to meet someone else's need.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Searching for Superheroes!

We're going to begin our search for SUPERHEROES  this week in worship.  We don't have to look too far...we've got a few in our midst!  Our Senior High-ers leave this coming week for a superhero mission to Joplin MO, to help in the rebuilding of that community after devastating tornados last spring.  We've all got a little superhero in us...just as we all have a mild-mannered, sometimes weak-kneed, alter-ego that gives us problems.  We wish we could do great things.  We may wish we could have super-intelligence, super-strength, super-powers to handle any circumstance that comes along. The fact is, God's power is all we need.  The good news is that at times we DO do great things, although often hidden from our own view.  The good news also is that even when we don't do great things...God's power is made perfect through our weakness.  Our search for superheroes this month will show us that they are us and we are them...each embodying a God-given blend of strength and weakness to show God's super love, power, justice, and compassion for all.