Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Come to Church?

Here's a little midsummer reminder:
First - let me tell you why NOT to come to church:
  • Because someone told you you should.
  • Because the church needs your money.
  • Because it's what you've always done.
  • Because the church wants to keep it's attendance numbers up.
  • Because you have nothing better to do.
  • Because God will be angry if you don't come.
Now, let me tell you some reasons WHY TO COME to church:
  • You know you can worship God anywhere...but there's just something about being with other people worshipping that feels good.
  • You'd like to see and get to know supportive, caring, friends.
  • God might speak to you through someone else.
  • You might gain a new insight about yourself, others, or the world.
  • You might feel God a little closer.
  • You might be guided to some new opportunity to serve others, or clarify your sense of purpose in life.
  • You like cookies and potlucks.
  • You like to sing meaningful songs with other people...not just alone in the shower or while you are driving in your car.
  • You like to be around and interact with people of all ages.
  • You might find someone to have a good conversation with.
  • You'd like to give God and others an opportunity to perhaps meet some need you didn't know you had.
  • You'd like to be present and available so God might use you to meet someone else's need.

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